Steve George

Clerk to Petitions Committee

Welsh Assembly Petitions Committee

Welsh Assembly

Cardiff Bay


CF99 1NA


Re-United Valleys Action Group (UVAG) Views to Petitions Committee,

With regards to Environment & Sustainability Committee reply on

P-04-575 Call in on all Opencast Mining Applications over

10 years Duration or 350 Hectares in Size.


Petitions Committee


UVAG are very disappointed with the reply from the Environment & Sustainability Committee, UVAG was hoping for a favourable response from them because it is fact that coal is not sustainable in the long term and therefore would support our petition.


UVAG would like the Petitions Committee to accept their earlier submissions to enable the petition to go to plenary, as stated in earlier submissions, the Wales planning bill actually supports our petition because they propose to take all energy planning applications including opencast mining away from local authorities.


Please find attached the earlier submissions from UVAG



Terry Evans

Chair, United Valleys Action Group (UVAG)